Newsletter Vol 51 • The Key to Freedom Judgement
Judgement as a word has an impact. It certainly holds weight when we consider a legal outcome, any authority figure, or even a loved one to hand down to someone. It is devastating for the recipient of judgement and can harden the hearts with wounds of guilt, remorse, and self destructive punishment. However, judgement is prevalent in our lives all around and within. We may not be aware of how much judgement is part of our programming until we explore our belief systems. We may not call it judgement but it is there.
When we examine the essence of judgement, we can see that it is conclusive. It binds us to whatever conclusion we define. Whether it is “good vs bad” or “right vs wrong”, however a mind chooses to accept and justify with a belief system becomes real and filters the whole world through that lens. And yet, it is the very thing that restricts us and at times so devastatingly that we are in a state of enslavement to that very belief.
In Divine wisdom, the one thing that does not exist is polarization, or one being better than the other, since its very nature is that ALL things make up the singularity. There is no judgement. This means that what one believes as ‘right’ is only to be regarded as a ‘unique belief system’ to its individual and not as a universal standard at all times. This is why the higher the love becomes, the more unconditional in its nature.
But this is what love does…doesn’t it? Love sees through ‘how things should be’ or ‘supposed to be’ and accepts you just as you are. And this is what unconditional love looks and feels like, which we ALL want. And if you ever felt a desire to be loved like that, you also have the aspect that loves like that. Thus, holding judgement is out of alignment with the essence of unconditional love as well as who we truly are.
“I am not good at…”, “This is bad because…”, “I should have…”, with every statement we make, we create conclusions of what it is and robbing the possibility that what may have been a ‘mistake’ was the crucial catalyst of profound change or epiphany.
Words…though are very limited and primitive tool of communication, still holds power when uttered. Not just with our tongues, but also with our mind. By simply applying different words to how we speak to ourselves (from conclusive thoughts to open ended thoughts), we begin to reprogram and rewire ourselves to embody infinite possibilities and unlimited potential.
What kind of vocabulary do you use to define experiences, people, yourself, truth, right, and wrong? As we become more mindful of how we speak to ourselves, we may see how much shackles and chain we subconsciously bind ourselves with. Fear of failure and mistakes, for example, is the effect in which judgment is the cause.
The key to freedom, is not what you have or don’t have, but in how much you free yourself from your own limiting beliefs, because true state of freedom is of the mind. And by simply being mindful to release judgmental energy, we free ourselves from bondage, because every judgement whether it is cast onto any value, ways, people, or to ourselves, it simultaneously binds us with the same conclusion.
“Judge not lest you be judged” was not meaning that God or some Superior Being will be judging us because we judged someone. It is a reminder that how we judge others and ourselves occurs simultaneously.
So, stay in the flow of your own, my friends. Whenever you feel that inner conflict arise and it tempts you to cast judgement, always remember that if there is shadow, there is light.
All things work together for your highest good…
“I am open to anything, attached to nothing”
From the heart…
PS - Please check out the Youtube episode on this!