Our Golden Standard.

Every dedicated practitioner within our collective has come together with the unified vision of ‘all things done from the heart’, the core principle upon which Guided Soul-ution was founded upon. This intent breathes life into our every action, and each of our diverse modalities spring forth into existence because the heart speaks a language of authenticity that provides the path for the mind and body to follow, for true holistic alignment.

Each member of our multi-faceted team is answering the loving call of their soul, and this devoted intent of serving their personal highest good allows us to be the vessel and conduit towards aiding you in your journey back to your true essence. This is the golden standard we abide by, and is our roadmap to harmoniously providing you the ultimate solutions for total mind, body, and soul wellness.

From the Heart,

Shiro Nobunaga, Founder

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The Vision.

Guided Soul-ution was established with a vision to establish a platform for intuitives to have a place of communion and bond, to serve the Highest Good.  I recognize this work as a service to humanity, a work of Light, thus employing the use of the term ‘Lightworker’, and union amongst Lightworkers creates synergy and amplification of its power in Love and Light.  "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst" is a passage from the Scripture stated by the Ascended Master, Jesus Christ, which implies how bonding of common energy amplifies and garners more power from the Heavenly & Celestial (high dimensional) realm.

The evolution of this platform is ultimately to establish an educational function to both budding intuitives and the general public to assist with the overall evolution where humanity embraces the sixth sense not as a an extra-sensory perception but as whole-sensory perception and ultimately arriving to a place where we all become self sufficient utilizing our own inner navigational system for our individual life journey.

Love is the driving force behind this vision and the motto for the vision is to "Crusade for Love".