Newsletter Vol 56 • Going Towards Your Pain
A wise man once said, “Pain is necessary, suffering is optional”, because suffering is the pain set into perpetual motion and we have a choice as well as the power to control the motion.
Generally speaking, there are two types of pain in our lives. One is the type that alerts us of something that requires our attention such as malfunction or injury. The other is the type of pain that comes with expansion such as muscle pain or growth. Yes, growing pain is real …
Newsletter Vol 55 • Value of Network & Burning Bridges
I’ve been an entrepreneur all my life. Other than my 6 year stint in the corporate world, I’ve been making a living as a freelance musician, producer, music teacher, interpreter, and now a spiritual counselor.
And throughout my career, the one thing that I have considered my most valued asset is my network. This is more valuable than money itself.
Newsletter Vol 54 • What is Being “Spiritual”?
Being in the esoteric field, talking about living a “spiritual life” or talking about our “spiritual journey” becomes normal. And yet, I had to stop and wonder what that actually is and how that affects us.
Newsletter Vol 53 • Marriage & Divorce
One of my great joys in my service is to assist people with relationships. So much so that it inspired me to write a book on it (coming soon, I think), called “The Divine Design of Relationships”. And, as the title says, there is a Divine design to each and every relationship we experience.
But the one that comes with most challenges is marriage and divorce. It is regarded as the pinnacle of an intimate partnership that subsequently leads to building a family and the ultimate symbol of a long term relationship with divorce being associated to failure and shame. And yet…
Newsletter Vol 52 • Wisdom Behind Manifestation
As I look back on my spiritual awakening, one of the most profound truth I have come to know was that I am the creator of my own reality. Because until then, I believed that God chose who I am to be and how to live my life and purpose. Like a deck of cards being dealt, I felt no ownership of my life or choices. So when I realized that the it was all in the interpretation of others that led to religious dogmas and beliefs, it was literally a game changer or should I say, a life changer. And knowing now that I am the extension of the Divine Source to experience life as Shiro and that I am the one that designed who I am and who my parents will be and so on, I began my journey back to remember my own Divinity in this incarnation.
Newsletter Vol 51 • The Key to Freedom Judgement
Judgement as a word has an impact. It certainly holds weight when we consider a legal outcome, any authority figure, or even a loved one to hand down to someone. It is devastating for the recipient of judgement and can harden the hearts with wounds of guilt, remorse, and self destructive punishment. However, judgement is prevalent in our lives all around and within. We may not be aware of how much judgement is part of our programming until we explore our belief systems. We may not call it judgement but it is there.
Newsletter Vol 50 • The End of Karma
I was in deep meditation and received a sense of clarity that I would like to share here.
It was in regards to karma, healing, and integration which has been a great portion of the journey of my consciousness. It started with the release of the need to hold ‘healing’ in my vocabulary that shifted my focus on shadow work and integration. As I write this now, it is now very clear to me that the idea of karma in the sense of ‘working on it’ is coming to an end.
Newsletter Vol. 48 • Overcoming Insecurity & Stepping Into State of Confidence in Self Trust
Along with the theme of “Surrender” which was shared in my previous segment, the message of “Self trust” has been repeatedly coming to me. In my life, my journey of Self trust and confidence led me to explore the unknown within, sometimes leading to surprising outcomes.
I’ve been a musician all my life, and until recently have never given any thought to anything else as my passion. So, when I entered into the unknown world of corporate work (without college education or degree), I just put my best foot forward.
Newsletter Vol. 47 • The Power of Surrender
For the past couple of month, the message to "surrender" has been repeatedly appearing through my meditations, plant medicine guidance, and from numerous intuitive counsels (even participating in the Lakota tribal sweat lodge). This word was something that I remember even from my days in church and some of my favorite worship songs. But it has now come full circle to manifest with a new perspective for me. I remember when I first heard the shaman at the Ayahuasca ceremony sing “Altar of Love” and weeping…"All that I am, I offer at the altar of love in sweet surrender.”
Newsletter Vol. 46 • 2022: New Hope, Manifestation, and New Paths.
Numerologically speaking, 2022 is said to be a year of new hope, which stands for success with greater support for dreams and goals to manifest. One astrologer says, "If you’re looking for a cosmic reset, the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2 will give you just that. 2022’s first new moon brings the energy to not only set goals that are tangible, achievable and stabilizing, but to give you the boost you need to actually accomplish those resolutions." But certainly not limited to the New Moon, 2022 overall represents a powerful support for those that have strong intentions. So, what does a new year hold for us? 365 opportunities.
Newsletter Vol. 45 • Integration: Finding Your Balance ~ Zero Point & Wholeness
The Ho'oponopono prayer (a Hawaiian healing modality) which repeats the mantra of "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, and thank you" is about acknowledging that all aspects are part of us. All aspects within us, and those that come into our lives as reflections of ourselves. Because whether they love us or hurt us, we are always there in that experience.
Newsletter Vol. 44 • Love & Truth ~ Knowing vs Embodiment
We send you love and respect to your unique and individual journey.
Throughout my spiritual journey as a practitioner, I was recalling the times where I would find myself feeling a bit insecure for not having an official title, certification, or even mentorship to justify or classify myself as a "professional service provider" because I have always been self-taught. But each time, my Spirit tells me "to continue to do all things from the heart". It was an inherent knowing that I can't go wrong if I just focused on that.
Newsletter Vol. 43 • Trust: What Does That Look and Feel Like?
The topic of self care has been repeatedly mentioned to me in my meditation and readings I receive.
It is also one of the strongest messages that come up in many of my sessions.
Although we understand this, agree with this, and know this, it is still a challenge to actually implement. For many old souls, the memory imprint of being a martyr (giving our lives) for the cause, sacrificing ourselves for the greater good, and giving without balancing with joyful receiving are common…
Newsletter Vol. 42 • Self Care: Saying Yes to Yourself, First.
The topic of self care has been repeatedly mentioned to me in my meditation and readings I receive.
It is also one of the strongest messages that come up in many of my sessions.
Although we understand this, agree with this, and know this, it is still a challenge to actually implement. For many old souls, the memory imprint of being a martyr (giving our lives) for the cause, sacrificing ourselves for the greater good, and giving without balancing with joyful receiving are common…
Newsletter Vol. 41 • Knowing and Honoring Your Story
I felt compelled to share what has been on my mind for some time...and that is how much we neglect our story that we call "life".
I understand that I am in the business of knowing your story and with it, I come equipped with an innate ability to extract the story out of people and help them see the real value behind it. But I am also aware of how much people do not take the time to get to know each other's story…
Newsletter Vol. 40 • Rest, Reflect, Recharge to be Ready
Happy Summer Solstice & Full Moon to you all! After series of eclipses and full moon cycles, we have all been feeling the intensity of energy of change showering us which subsequently caused many of us to feel lethargic, fatigue, and lack of motivation to 'do' anything.
The Messenger vs The Message
From spiritual leaders, Presidents, to celebrities, society looks to them for sense of direction and many of us follow them. And while leaders are important and necessary for any structure or organization, there seems to be a blindfold we put over ourselves along with entitlement to judge. This phenomenon is greatly attributed to an overall misplacement of value on messengers over the message.
All Things Come in Equal Polarity
To every positive, there is a negative. To every shade, there is light.
The law of equal polarity is evident in our lives everywhere.
But how much do we see it in our own life experiences?
Honoring the Divine Feminine
Identifying gender by the physical sex of the body is becoming outdated and is actually nonsense if we understand the masculine and feminine energy within all of us. But what does it all mean?