Newsletter Vol 56 • Going Towards Your Pain
A wise man once said, “Pain is necessary, suffering is optional”, because suffering is the pain set into perpetual motion and we have a choice as well as the power to control the motion.
Generally speaking, there are two types of pain in our lives. One is the type that alerts us of something that requires our attention such as malfunction or injury. The other is the type of pain that comes with expansion such as muscle pain or growth. Yes, growing pain is real and is always a part of our journey. Oh, might I add one that is also pleasurable! But that is a topic for another time…. But what I would like to focus on here is the growing pains.
When we hear statements like “step out of your comfort zone”, we recognize it as a positive one. But when it actually comes time to do so, we feel the knee jerk reaction to avoid it because we have a tendency to attach ourselves to our ‘comfort zone’ , even when it is detrimental to us. We may not consciously recognize it as a ‘comfort zone’ but if it is something we are used to, familiar with, or because we think we ‘need’ it, it is equivalent to a ‘comfort zone’.
We are not always proactive about change. It can stem from our sense of conservatism like “if it is not broken, don’t fix it” mind set or the risk that it may pose to make things worse. And while that may appear to be good, NOTHING ever stays the same. Nothing. The only constant in this universe is change and it will come knockin’ on our door whether we like it or not. Because every conscious being in its essence is always evolving. This is why nobody likes to feel stagnant or stuck. And, when things are good, we want it to stay that way because we can’t always believe that which we consider to be good will keep getting better through change. It is best to accept that expansion comes with pain or discomfort.
When we experience obvious pains such as heartbreak, loss, and volatility, it is something we tend to try to get rid of, put it behind us, or avoid all together. And yet, it is one of the most powerful catalyst that catapults us into self empowerment and resilience. It all depends on our choice to give it such meaning. Since all things are meaningless until we give it meaning.
We may experience growing pains in more subtle ways. For instance, when we think of doing something that is good for us, such as exercise, meditation, or higher vibrational diet, we may choose to avoid it in the name of procrastination or laziness. But it may be more about avoiding the disappointment of not seeing the result for our efforts or that we are not doing it “correctly”, etc.
How about job interviews, auditions, or asking someone out? Things that may come with rejection is also a growing pain we avoid subconsciously but not necessarily recognized as growing pains in a conscious level.
Whichever pain you may encounter, consider going towards or leaning into your pain and give it due attention. It is certainly our innate navigational system alerting us and even guiding us toward our highest good.
Pain is one of our greatest teachers…
Accept it as a vital component of expansion and growth. Respect it as a loving guide with full allowance. Because the contrast of pain is how we know the value of joy and pleasure.
It is what makes the difference between survival and thrive-al.
After all…“Pain is necessary, but suffering is optional"