Newsletter Vol. 40 • Rest, Reflect, Recharge to be Ready
Dear Soul Family & Friends,
We send you greetings with love and respect to your being and journey! As always, we trust that your journey is leading you to the answers, solution, awareness, and clarity that you need to step into your authentic path and purpose.
Happy Summer Solstice & Full Moon to you all! After series of eclipses and full moon cycles, we have all been feeling the intensity of energy of change showering us which subsequently caused many of us to feel lethargic, fatigue, and lack of motivation to 'do' anything.
The month of June is a month of rest to reflect on what you have co-created for yourselves from the beginning of this year. A great punctuation and ending month to the 1st half of the year, June anchors its energy to the physical realm. The number "6" and its shape also anchors its body to the earth and as it transitions into July "7", we shoot our transmission back up to the quantum field or Heaven to further reinforce what we have created or to refine our direction.
I trust this month has been that for all of you as it has been for me and Jenny. Though we feel the anticipation of a great change in our lives, we were guided to ground ourselves this month, to be patient with the process, and to go deeper within. The release of the old (paradigms, narratives, belief systems, & etc) continues for us to become more integrated with our light and shade. And with the rapid shift of consciousness, our body, which is more dense in its design, goes through an aggressive adjustment to keep housing our consciousness in this reality. But this is an essential process for us to be ready to usher in the new into our lives, and subsequently, the new age.
If you have been experiencing anything similar to this, please know that we are here to support you. It is all part of the changes we are going through to deepen our love and to be in a fully sovereign state of being...
From the Heart,
Shiro & Jenny Nobunaga