Newsletter Vol. 43 • Trust: What Does That Look and Feel Like?
We are sending you all unconditional love and deep respect for your individually unique journey!
September has been a month of what some astrologers call a "slippery slope" month. "9", numerologically speaking, holds the energy of completion, finality, and endings. And so it was for many of us. Revisiting our past in many different ways such as emotions, experiences, and people that we are placing final closures with. This can sometimes feel devastating, scary, painful, and feel like we've regressed. can often feel like we are all alone in it.
How do we know that we are on the right path? How do we 'trust' that the process is really meant to help us for our highest good, or if we are simply off alignment and perpetuating more of our past or blocking the new? The recurring theme I have been observing in others and have also been receiving for myself is trust. Moreover, trust in Self.
Mehreen and I have recently finished the In Deep podcast on "trust", and in that episode we went 'in deep' with the different dimensional interpretations and experiences of trust. But what we saw was that until it gets to the higher dimensional consciousness of Self-trust, there is an underlying energy of codependence because it is always placed or invested in something outside of us, even in our faith in God, Source, etc. We justify trusting or having total faith in God because God is "perfect". But yet, we are at the core, designed to own our choices and be fully accountable to our own lives. So to ultimately say that God "gave" us this life (or even "gifted") is incomplete in its true expression. The whole story is that we broke off from Source to have an individual experience on its behalf and equipped ourselves with talents, tendencies, traumas, and everything that makes us uniquely different and like no other. Therefore, until we trust ourselves or Selves, the state of trust is not entirely whole and will continually be challenged.
When we have a spiritual awakening and become conscious of our ascension journey, we also become more aware that we are the extension of our Source Creator. And as the extension, "an ambassador", or "children" of Source Creator, we are made from the image and likeness of the Divine. We are made of God particles. A droplet from the ocean contains the entire DNA of the ocean. And prophets and Ascended Masters like Christ came to demonstrate and remind us of who we are. Sovereign and Diving beings. And as one, we are ALWAYS writing our story, including ones that have already been scripted prior to our incarnation which we call destiny or fate. If that is so, then every step we take, every choice we make, every one we meet to share a journey with, and every experience has Divine reason and purpose in which there is a permission for that to happen at soul level (or Higher Self), even our own death. And the only thing that we can truly and ultimately trust is...Self.
We may not always understand our choices. We may not always see the full spectrum of the purpose that each relationship is serving or has served. We may not trust in ourselves at all (which is why we want someone or something to trust!). But we can trust that NOTHING is happening randomly which means that there is ALWAYS a Divine Providence and order even amidst chaos (or what appears like it). And, as we become aware of our Higher Self, which is like our future self revisiting our spiritual childhood, we can also trust that its guidance is always perfectly orchestrated even when we make the "wrong" choices. And that ALL of this, including every descension and negative polarity, is driven by love; Divine energy and source of all creation, to elevate ALL things. Just as water "ascends" from the ocean and into the cloud to rain back down, so does the cycle of life. And what I hold in my intent, in my heartspace, and to live from that center, is what breathes life into all that I say, do, and manifest.
I can rest on knowing this. Be at peace with this. This is what Self trust looks like to me. And it feels right. It feels secure. It feels...natural.
How does trust look and feel to you?