Newsletter Vol. 42 • Self Care: Saying Yes to Yourself, First.
The topic of self care has been repeatedly mentioned to me in my meditation and readings I receive.
It is also one of the strongest messages that come up in many of my sessions.
Although we understand this, agree with this, and know this, it is still a challenge to actually implement. For many old souls, the memory imprint of being a martyr (giving our lives) for the cause, sacrificing ourselves for the greater good, and giving without balancing with joyful receiving are common.
For me, the entrepreneurial path has been an amazing journey embedded with personal introspection in understanding my self worth, value of my time and energy, and the importance of choosing the path of my highest joy versus 'need' and 'livelihood'. It was an important journey to heal my relationship to money, and the belief around it in regards to 'earning' and 'deserving'. And as I came to truly releasing that paradigm, I was relieved and the blessings began to overflow in wealth & health. Money, respect, loyalty, friendships, and abundance of it all began to flow into my life.
However, the beauty of life is that the more you shed and transcend, the deeper the layer you are able to observe and I realized that it brought me to another theme to recognize and honor; the path of self care. Because I was now on the path of my greatest joy and seeing the fruit of abundance, I was energized and the excitement of the vision manifesting just kept going and going. But even in that path, I was still serving needs at every corner. Although I have minimized my time and energy to where my value is recognized, respected, and appreciated, I was unknowingly neglecting what "Shiro" needed.
To detach and rest from my own work of joy...
Self care looks different for everyone and no one can understand it or do it for us. It is our only true accountability as my recurring message is to be "self centered". And living our highest joy is one, no doubt...but also to allow yourself to...or to remember to detach from it, is equally important to being self centered which is achieved through self care.
The rapid change of the shifting energy is upon us stronger than ever before. The Age of Aquarius has just opened up and with it the weight of the shift toward it on a collective level still requires us to shed much of the 'old' and density thereof. Sometimes we are too hyper focused on being on the positive path that we may be neglecting the important element of "balance" by detaching and being still...