Newsletter Vol. 48 • Overcoming Insecurity & Stepping Into State of Confidence in Self Trust
Along with the theme of “Surrender” which was shared in my previous segment, the message of “Self trust” has been repeatedly coming to me. In my life, my journey of Self trust and confidence led me to explore the unknown within, sometimes leading to surprising outcomes.
I’ve been a musician all my life, and until recently have never given any thought to anything else as my passion. So, when I entered into the unknown world of corporate work (without college education or degree), I just put my best foot forward. Despite my lack of experience in this arena, I was promoted to a director position (sales with one company, marketing in another).
When I was told through an intuitive that I had psychic abilities 9 years ago, it was totally unexpected. Without a mentor or training, I just trusted what was coming and experimented. Other than my innate love and ability to connect with people, I had nothing other than my inner guidance and a few friends to explore with. I didn’t read books, I didn’t Google about psychic training or take any classes; I just trusted in the flow and whatever was shown and given to me directly from the Divine inspirations. When I got paid for the first time (via Yelp), it dawned on me that I was always a counselor (people had always come to me with their life questions and I didn’t know why, but I enjoyed it) and recalled that I had once thought, “It would be nice if I could get paid doing this because I love helping people like this.”
Now, I find myself once again approaching an uncharted path—the unfamiliar, and unpracticed path of writing a book. Stepping out of my comfort zone can trigger a sense of insecurity, but I cannot deny the passion to share my inspirations. This urge to share my passion helped me to go with the flow, even as I wondered, would I be any good at it? Well, good or bad is absolutely and utterly subjective, but I can tell you one thing: if you love what you are doing and are passionate about it, it gets good in one way or another. Somebody will resonate with that.
Our insecurity often tells us “I need to practice more to be confident.” Here is the truth: we utilize the illusion of practice and experience to step into a confidence that was already there the moment we felt the passion for it. If you feel the passion, drive, or joy to do or be something, then the confidence, hence Self trust, is ALREADY there! This means that what we think we are striving for through practice and experience is not really confidence, but comfort. It is that we simply are not yet comfortable in that particular skin. And if you allow yourself to acknowledge the difference between ‘confidence’ and ‘comfort’ in whatever you set out to do, you will rewire your brain and consciousness.
A sense of insecurity is like fear. It is an illusion. It is a programmed notion that occurred upon judgment, comparison, rejection, failure, etc. It is the shadow side of confidence. And since a shadow can only occur where there is light, the shadow of insecurity appears only because there is the light of confidence somewhere within us. So how do we overcome or undo the illusion of insecurity? By shifting our awareness and accessing our personally unique joy, passion, and drive, and denouncing the notion of what we are supposed to be, should be, or have to be, or anything that is not of your own authentic belief and choice, thus clearing any shred of doubt within.
So I say: boldly follow your interest, curiosity, excitement, passion, and most certainly your joy (and don’t get me started on the power of joy!). You can never practice or experience enough to be confident. And the only way is if you first intend and choose to believe in what you are doing and becoming. That intention and choice will naturally pave the path to further evolve and grow as you drive the vehicle of experience or practice, in which the confidence of Self trust will be the fuel…